Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fresh is best

Using fresh ingredients is always the best options.
Example: Fresh or Frozen vegetables have little if no sodium, 
Canned Corn - 270+mg of sodium, fresh or frozen - 0mg.
How you cook it makes a difference also, don't add salt to water or to corn while cooking. Use only 2T of Salt-free Butter, a sprinkle of sugar . and as Rachal Ray would say.... Yummo!

Not all frozen is sodium free. Lima beans for example can have up to 200+ mg of sodium per serving.

Veggies are a great way to stretch your food budget and fill your plate.
Potatoes - high in potasium and low sodium. Mashed potatoes can be filling and healthy.
Boil with no salt in water, drain, add 2T of unsalted butter, and 2T of natural sourcream this gives you a rich mashed potato with lower than 20mg of sodium for a cup serving.

if you can use fresh jalopenos and tomatoes for your salsa in a food processor, you get a healthy snack. add garlic, onion, and fresh peppers... mmm.!

read labels, canned vegetables and fruits are always higher in sodium to preserve them. You might think you are healthy but not... also, cost wise, you pay for a lot of water in canned. buy storebrand frozen and save money. 

a piece of boneless, skinless chicken breast grilled with lemon juice and pepper along with a baked potato with natural or regular sour cream and frozen corn -unsalted butter on both is filling, healthy, cost conscious, and under 300mg of sodium.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Ranch Dressing, not just for salad anymore!

So, if you are like most Americans, you think Ranch Dressing is the nectar of the gods... you put it on salad, fries, chicken wings, your sexual partner, pizza and all veggies. Well if your doctor puts you on a low-sodium diet that makes grabbing that bottle of Hidden Valley Ranch off limits. Which is in the 280mg of sodium ballpark. That's for 2 Tablespoons too. you know you poor more of that on your salad!
Well here is a recipe for homemade ranch that is only 90mg of sodium for 2 Tablespoons!

1/4 cup of mayonaise
1/4 cup of sour cream (not low fat or fat free)
1/4 cup of buttermilk or 1T of vinegar and milk to equal 1/4 cup
1 clove of garlic - crushed
1/4 t dry mustard
1/8 t of black pepper
2 T of chopped fresh Dill

Combine first 3 ingredients then add the rest. 
Refrigerate in a covered container for about an hour

To make as a dip, add more sour cream to consistency you want.
It is delicious , my daughter who is picky even likes it.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Going to other places to eat... social awkward

Going out to eat isn't the only issue with being on a low-sodium diet... being invited over to a friends' home or being offered food as a gift.  Try to re-gift German Ham and sauerkraut!
I used to look forward to going to friends for dinners or having potlucks (carry-ins)... now I have to eat before I go so I can say "no thanks, I'm not hungry" without my stomach making noises to the contrary.  I find myself avoiding visits to friends homes since I got back in Louisville, I don't want to impose my dietary demands on others. 
I miss church carry-ins and getting to try dishes made by other people. 
Going to the Fair or any festivals is like a pre-fasting event.... no sodium at all, so I can eat that one high salty item. 

I have to be careful not to become a NO SALT ZEALOT... no one wants preached too about their food choices. 

conversations usually go like this...
Friend:" I made a big pot of Chicken and Dumplings, I'll get you a dish to take home."
Me: "Oh, that's okay I have something in the slow cooker at home."
Friend: "Sure? You want to try it?"
Me: " Thanks, I really got to me going. I'll get some later."
It's easier to explain to people about diabetes or fat... Sodium is in so much we use to cook with...
Casseroles - usually have Campbell's soup or broths in them. 
desserts - puddings and jellos have sodium .

you don't want to be rude to people so you avoid the situations... you can't only eat what you bring to the carry-in "what an ass that would make you look like!"

so until the low-sodium ideology catches on like Fat or Sugar has... you eat at home alot.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Packing Lunch that you won't trade

So I have been gathering info on low-sodium foods that can make it feel like you are still normal.
Just to make a sandwich was not an option... most breads are 180 - 300 for one slice... by the time you added meat and a condiment your quick sandwich is over 1000 mg of sodium... Yikes! so much for a packed lunch. Kroger has some lower cost meats and whole wheat bread that makes a sandwich possible and still allows you to have something to drink with it besides water.

A sandwich from these items is 25 mg for 2 slices of bread, 400 mg for 4 slices of LS ham, and 50mg for Lacy Swiss cheese, and 50mg for 1T of mustard... that is 525 for a decent sandwich, you can still have a handful of No Salt Kettle Chips and a 20oz Pepsi... you are at 585mg of sodium... throw in a Dove Dark Chocolate bar... you got a packed lunch.