Sunday, September 23, 2012

Going to other places to eat... social awkward

Going out to eat isn't the only issue with being on a low-sodium diet... being invited over to a friends' home or being offered food as a gift.  Try to re-gift German Ham and sauerkraut!
I used to look forward to going to friends for dinners or having potlucks (carry-ins)... now I have to eat before I go so I can say "no thanks, I'm not hungry" without my stomach making noises to the contrary.  I find myself avoiding visits to friends homes since I got back in Louisville, I don't want to impose my dietary demands on others. 
I miss church carry-ins and getting to try dishes made by other people. 
Going to the Fair or any festivals is like a pre-fasting event.... no sodium at all, so I can eat that one high salty item. 

I have to be careful not to become a NO SALT ZEALOT... no one wants preached too about their food choices. 

conversations usually go like this...
Friend:" I made a big pot of Chicken and Dumplings, I'll get you a dish to take home."
Me: "Oh, that's okay I have something in the slow cooker at home."
Friend: "Sure? You want to try it?"
Me: " Thanks, I really got to me going. I'll get some later."
It's easier to explain to people about diabetes or fat... Sodium is in so much we use to cook with...
Casseroles - usually have Campbell's soup or broths in them. 
desserts - puddings and jellos have sodium .

you don't want to be rude to people so you avoid the situations... you can't only eat what you bring to the carry-in "what an ass that would make you look like!"

so until the low-sodium ideology catches on like Fat or Sugar has... you eat at home alot.

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